Brandon Joseph Baker Info

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Oakland/San Francisco, California
A place to share the works that inspire me.


CY KUCKENBAKER | Midday Traffic Time Collapsed and Reorganized by Color: San Diego Study #3

Cy Kuckenbaker's video captures San Diego's mid day traffic in color. The work speaks for itself upon viewing. Note no post color corrections were done, the cars were just reordered.

Midday Traffic Time Collapsed and Reorganized by Color: San Diego Study #3 from Cy Kuckenbaker on Vimeo.

Originally found on



A long time fan of all things .gif, I had to share this. I thought these could be expanded and checked out the artist, Romain Laurent's, site for more. The work I found there was a compelling challenge on what your eye casual interprets.
The images here are a great refresher on why I fell in love with .gifs in the first place. I've pursued ideas similar to this and plan on doing more in the upcoming months. Thanks for the reminder to stay creative!! 

For more from this great artist, Romain Laurent, visit this site.

Original transmission: