Since March of 2008 I have been posting primarily work of my own on this blog. Earlier this year in an attempt to unify my web presence I transferred this blog's content to another
blog on my url and began blogging my work there. I've recently started utilizing Google Reader and found inspiration in other countless blog posts that I want to re-post. Enter the subject head and an announcement of a change in content for this blog. From today on I plan on utilizing this blog to post about things I find inspiration in that I'd like to share with the faceless masses. Please
check out my official blog and continue to check back for updated inspiration here.
My desire to share inspiration comes from an exhibit I visited at
Pier 24 here in San Francisco. After prints from Richard Avedon, Larry Clark, Phillip-Lorca diCorcia, Jeff Wall, Todd Hido and Diane Arbus sent chills up my spine I thought it only fitting to share this with the rest of the world. The exhibit space at Pier 24 is something every photographer and fan of photography should visit. The space is limited, you have to make a reservation for a tour and the current exhibit leaves at the end of this week. However, in September the public will have another chance to visit a new collection at this space. Please check out for more information.