The hard work is done. We put out our 10th and final issue of The Daily Insider. This year was a very efficient and fun year. The the work was easier after my third time to The Festival combined with a super proficient production team. Having a strong staff makes the work less like work and more like fun. It doesn't hurt to be working with some of the most intelligent, committed and passionate people I've been blessed to encounter in my professional career. Here are some of my favorite portraits from The Sundance Film Festival 2009. Subjects are: Director, Video Artist and Photographer Laurel Nakadate, Artist and Technology Guru Nathan Hemenway, Daily Insider writer Clay Smith, director Ross Katz, Daily Insider Managing Editor Bridgette Bates, Street Talk subjects Sara Basso, Lee Toland Krieger and Larabee, Actor Lou Taylor Pucci, Daily Insider Production Coordinator Shawn Sherril, Actor and Director Joseph Gordon Levitt.

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