Immediately following the presentation the award site turns into a huge reception and party. Ticket holders drank and mingled with the filmmakers. Yours truly enjoyed the festivities at two venues; the before mentioned Awards After Party and at Late Night Lounge, a venue for filmmakers and institute members. Both parties were tons of fun and were a welcomed end to a great festival.

We saw the shorts presentation on Sunday morning. The Shorts Program at The Festival is one of my favorite parts of the experience. I shot the awards show for The Shorts Program earlier in the week. It was good to see both the US and World winners; 'Drunk History' 'Six Dollar Fifty Man' and 'Dock Ellis & the LSD No No'. My favorite film this year is a toss up between two films. 'The Kids Are Alright', which got picked up and will be released. It's a light hearted family story of two lesbians whose children find their biological father and the hi-jinks that ensue. My other favorite 'Enter The Void' was a dark and psychedelic drug movie based around the Tibetan Book of The Dead. This film was also picked up by IFC and has been edited down, which the run time really needed. It's an intense film. I also caught Tucker and Dale Vs Evil and HIGH School which are safe bets for cult classic status.

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