Part of my role as photo editor for The Daily Insider is to do a daily- or mostly daily depending on ad space, section called STREET TALK. We head out with a question, usually quirky in nature. For example the first session's question was 'if you could make out with anyone at Sundance, who would it be and why?' Usually the responses are quite interesting. People like it when the press pays special attention to them. I head out with
Evany Thomas a Bay Area local. Usually I meet everyone from film zombies - the living dead who slowly wander Park City with vacant eyes mumbling about movies, to celebrities - mostly small time reality stars from The Hills or recurring characters on It's Always Sunny In Philedelphia (my favorite show!!!). The first photo in the series is the intrepid Evany followed Holly Montag (The Hills), Ben Kasulke (Humpday), Conrad Smith, Laurel Nakadate (director and writer of Stay The Same, Never Change - shot in Kansas City), Haydee Cifuantes, Sophie Islip and Jeff Dowd. The later is the alleged inspiration for The Cohan Brother's 'The Dude' aka The Big Lebowski. He also made out with Evany, much to her surprise and disbelief when she asked him the question of the day.